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Crazy idea: AI is just Photoshop for writers.

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Hear me out. This AI thing has been divisive, to say the least. Some say it's dangerous and we should avoid it like the plague. Others say we must embrace it right now because we will be obsolete in 5 years without it.

To be honest, I think there's a lot of BS in both camps. And, as often happens, the truth may be right in the middle.

If you are my age or older, you may remember how Photoshop revolutionized the world of graphic design, making it easier and faster to create advertising pieces. At first, it was the devil, but then it became just a tool. Or you may remember how professional film photographers thought digital cameras were a fad. Or how some people believe that smartphones are going to replace pro photographers. Come on, guys, we need to chill a ton.

Here's what I think is happening: one year ago, technology wasn't at the point where we could develop Photoshop for copywriters. And now, here it is. That's it. Thank you, see you next time, lol.

No, but really. Technology has made our jobs easier in many ways. Does that mean that millions of jobs disappeared overnight? Not really. When drones became available at a low price and with nice video quality, helicopter pilots didn't lose their jobs. They just found different clients. Factories are more automated now than ever. Well, that means we need fewer assembly line workers but more engineers to design, maintain and develop software for the robots.

Is AI dangerous, though? Maybe. Will it start the rise of the robots that will ultimately end up enslaving the human race? Who knows? But for us creatives who are just looking for ways to speed up our workflow and delegate repetitive tasks, I think we will be fine.

For the time being, it's the right time to familiarize yourself with the new tools available. What we should not be doing is letting the machine come up with everything. Not only is the technology not ready to create with minimal human input, but it's also a lazy way to do your job.

So, if you're a copywriter terrified of losing your job to a website that generates text, you either need to step up your game or start wielding the power of technology in your favor.

*By the way, this article was spell-checked with Grammarly (which, in my opinion, is an AI tool), and I ran it through to make it shorter. Not bad, AI, not bad.


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